Building Beautiful Boundaries - Crystals to Support Loving Communication

When we're talking about boundaries, let us first talk about what we mean by setting a boundary. A boundary is when we have decided that something no longer works for us and we have decided to say, "no". We have decided to say that this is not for me. Whether this is a behavior, a request, a relationship, even a job if that's the case. Sometimes this means removing whatever it is that is causing harm completely and sometimes this is drawing lines by way of expectations and limitations to what you are willing to tolerate. Where ever your boundaries fall on that spectrum is up to you. 

Boundaries have been wildly talked about these days and for good reason. They keep us in alignment with our values and integrity. When we can speak and act from a place of alignment it allows energy to flow more freely and allows room for compassion, love, growth, and the ability to have a moment to collect your thoughts in such a fast paced world. When we set boundaries it is an act of self love and love for those you are putting the boundaries in place with. When you have clear communication and expectations with someone it helps everyone to feel more comfortable and stable in any situation because there is no guess work. There isn't room for hidden burdens or hurt because the boundaries have kept everyone in alignment with what works for them. 

I had a chat with a friend talking about how she was setting boundaries in a way that felt good for her and I just thought, “yes, beautiful boundaries.” They were gentle yet firm, loving and affective. Just because we are setting boundaries it does not mean there is any less love involved. What a beautiful gift to give someone an example of what it looks like and feels like to be aligned with your truth and be loving to those around you.

When we’re first trying to establish the lines we are willing to draw it can be a bit clumsy and bit uncomfortable to say the least. And, sometimes when we assert ourselves and find our voice it can be a little sharp. We need to remember to filter all of our fire, desires, beliefs, and drive through the energy of love before letting them out into the world. Everything, including boundaries, is better with a bit of love involved.

May you stand in your light, protect your light, and most of all share your light with love always at the forefront.

Stones and Crystals to Support Loving Communication

Tiger Eye – protection, boundaries, personal power, strength
Mookaite – stone of the here and now, present moment awareness
Citrine – personal power, abundance, energy cleansing
Calcite – hope, enthusiasm, inner peace, and healing
Prehnite – stone of the high heart, divine love and support
Jade – confidence, acceptance, health, ability to solve emotional and spiritual issues
Bloodstone – calm and stabilize emotions, calm stress, and booth self-confidence
Malachite – stone of transformation, ability to recognize and heal emotional pain
Sodalite – the stone of communication and intellect, speak your truth with clarity and compassion
Lapis Lazuli – intuition, personal power, protection, and self-expression
Blue Chalcedony – soothes and calms mind, body, and spirit
Blue Lace Agate – inner peace, calm, and restoration
Amazonite – calm confidence, heals any self-esteem issues that are coming up

If you would like to dig a little deeper into this topic I encourage you to join the Moxie Monthly Bracelet Club where we will be having a members only workshop on how to implement beautiful boundaries. 

Check out the membership options here.

With much love and gratitude, Jessica

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